St. Valentine’s Day Mascara

A Friday Fictioneers Flash Fiction

1 min readFeb 15, 2024

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields who provides us with a photo prompt. Each week’s challenge is to write a 100-word story inspired by the photo. Click here to play along or just read more stories.

I will never understand how the card companies turned a day famous for the execution of seven gang members into a day to remind us to love somebody or to be lonely if we don’t have somebody to love. I guess that’s what rebranding is all about.

St. Valentine’s Day Mascara

She spent hours in the mirror applying her makeup. It was our first Valentine’s Day together, and she wanted it to be special.

I thought Valentine’s Day was more for card companies and flower peddlers than couples. How much can you love somebody if you need a special day to remind you?

It was also a special day for Johnny Brazelli. He gave me two weeks to pay off my gambling debts, two weeks ago.

When I arrived to pick her up, her mascara was running down her face. The rest of her was floating in the half-frozen Lachine Canal.

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson




Written by Nobbinmaug

My name is Nobbinmaug. I am the purveyor of tales, and occasionally tails. I specialize in Sci-Fi for kids & the kid inside adults. No, not fetuses.